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[How-To] How to Access Galaxy Note 4’s Developer Menu!

CellUnlocker Tips and Tricks
By Cellunlockernet12:30 am November 21, 2014

How to Access Galaxy Note 4’s Developer Menu!

The tip outlined below will allow users to take advantage of a hidden menu setting that is actually available for any android device (KitKat and above). The settings does contain some advanced developer settings so best to touch the ones you know about as we describe them to you and expand your knowledge on your own devices. Access to this DEV menu will provide users with a more deeper tweaking opportunity with their set up. From animation settings of your Stock Launcher and UI interactions to Run Time changes and even many test features! Remember that once you activate DEVELOPER OPTIONS you cannot get rid of it off your menu without a system wipe!



1. Go to > SETTINGS > About Device > Scroll down to the section where you see BUILD NUMBER.

2. Repeatedly tap on Build Number itself, soon you will be presented with a count down indicating that you will become a developer in x amount of taps!

3. Once  you’ve reached 0 you have achieved developer status!

4. Press BACK to return to the menu prior and now you should see DEVELOPER OPTIONS



After enabling DEVELOPER OPTIONS you can do the following below for your Note 4!





2. Click on “Select Runtime System”

3. Select ART and reboot

4. NOTE: The reboot process will alter all your apps to run with ART. This can take a while!
5. NOTE2: While many users reported better battery life and performance increases this can cause some apps to fail, if you experience issues simply revert your settings back to DALVIK by going to Settings > Developer Options and then tap “Select Runtime System”.



Changing UI Animation Speed


2. Scroll down to DRAWING section

3. You can change WINDOW ANIMATION SCALE speeds, Transition animation speeds, and Animator duration scales!

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