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How to Network Unlock any Spectrum Samsung Galaxy Phone Guide (2023)

CellUnlocker How Tos
By Charlie Yu11:49 am January 4, 2023

Requirements to Network Unlock any Spectrum Samsung Galaxy phones:

To network unlock your Spectrum Samsung Galaxy phone, you will need a foreign SIM card and an unlock code from the original carrier. You can obtain the unlock code by contacting Spectrum. However, if you don’t have a code or were rejected by your carrier, you can also get it from third-party sites such as Cellunlocker.net. If you decide to use cellunlocker.net, you can use code RDDT10 for a 10% discount.

Instructions to input network unlock code for any Spectrum Samsung Galaxy Phone:

  1. Power on your phone and insert a foreign sim card (any sim card from another carrier)

  2. The phone will prompt for the Sim Network Unlock Pin or Network Control Key/Region Unlock Code

  3. Enter the network digit unlock code provided

  4. Your Spectrum Samsung Galaxy Phone is now network unlocked!

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After inserting a sim card from another carrier it will ask for a network unlock code.

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Once the code is entered, the phone will be network unlocked.

(It’s important to note that if your phone is blacklisted, it won’t work with other USA or North American carriers. The blacklist means that carriers have blocked your device from being used inside North America, usually due to reported lost, stolen, or unpaid bills. However, it will work with overseas carriers since they don’t share the same blacklists.)

If you want to check if your device is blacklisted or not, you can usually check it with websites such as:

https://stolenphonechecker.org/spc/consumer for USA

https://www.devicecheck.ca/check-status-device-canada/ for Canada

What if your phone does not prompt for a code?

If your phone doesn’t prompt for a code, it may be already unlocked, or some carriers might have modified the device’s software/firmware not to prompt for a network unlock code. In this case, you would need to contact the carrier directly to get it network unlocked.

If you get denied for unlocking, there are third-party sites that can help with network unlocking your phone.

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