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unlock blackberry 8703e cdma spc msl

CellUnlocker How Tos
By Cellunlockernet1:13 am November 25, 2010

This is an instructional guide on how to unlock your CDMA 8703e Blackberry  to work on other CDMA network, but please make sure you contact your service provider first.

Phones will often come locked to a certain carrier or network so you cannot switch using the same phone.

In order to unlock your CDMA blackberry phone to use on another CDMA network you will need what we call an MSL code or an SPC code to unlock it. This code is eight digits.

How to get an unlock code for Blackberry 8703e

Do a code look up to find out if your IMEI number is found.  We can 99% percent of the time help you free your phone.

You can get the unlock code or MSL code/SPC code from https://www.cellunlocker.net

In order to unlock your phone, we require your MEID number.

To get MEID number, go to “options” then “status” or look underneath battery. Example MEID: 268435458810875354

After you submit your MEID number, we will email you your SPC or MSL code to your email address.

What CDMA carriers can I unlocked?

Unlock Blackberry 8703e Verizon
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Sprint
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Alltel
Unlock Blackberry 8703e US Cellular
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Telus
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Bell
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Alltel
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Sprint
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Verizon Wireless
Unlock Blackberry 8703e US Cellular
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Credo Mobile
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Boost Mobile


Verizon Wireless, Sprint, Alltel, Bell Mobility, TelusUS Cellular
US Cellular, Credo Mobile, Boost Mobile, Kudo, etc…

Blackberry 8703e Unlocking Instructions

Once you receive your 8 MSL or SPC code for your blackberry, you will have to unlock it.  You can do this by:

1) From the mainscreen of the BlackBerry, press the green call button to enter the phone
2) Type in ##MSLCODE then the green talk button (ie: ##123456 Green talk button)
3) In the CDMA service edit screen, delete the number in the first row (000000xxxx) and replace it with your current phone number
4) Press the menu key and choose save
5) The device will re-boot
6) When the device re-boots, Activation Required will be gone and the active carrier name will now appear

Unlock Blackberry 8703e Verizon
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Sprint
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Alltel
Unlock Blackberry 8703e US Cellular
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Telus
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Bell
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Alltel
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Sprint
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Verizon Wireless
Unlock Blackberry 8703e US Cellular
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Credo Mobile
Unlock Blackberry 8703e Boost Mobile
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